Welcome to our resource pages. Over the years, we have collected information that we have found to be helpful in stroke recovery. Although Retreat & Refresh Stroke Camp is providing the following resources, we do not endorse any particular book, author, service or product. It is our hope you will find these resources helpful.
Books & Magazines
Books and magazines covering a wide range of topics from recovery to finanaces, to children's books.
Support Resources
Online support resources from credible sources hand picked by United Stroke Alliance
Recovery Resources
Recovery resources regarding adaptive equipment, home solutions, speech software, and more.
Download Book List
Click here to download the full book list of recommendations from United Stroke Alliance
Download Resources
Click here to downlaod the full resources list for stroke survivors and families.
Welcome to our resource pages. Over the years, we have collected information that we have found to be helpful in stroke recovery. Although Retreat & Refresh Stroke Camp is providing the following resources, we do not endorse any particular book, author, service or product. It is our hope you will find these resources helpful.
We appreciate your support!